Sunday, 7 December 2014

New me, new city, new adventures.

What a few months it has been. I've moved back to my home town and during the business of moving, I was asked to travel to Boston for work. 

Here's the view from the Top of the Hub restaurant in Central Boston.

After returning from the trip, I can safely say that I loved it. It was great to spend time away with colleagues and getting to know them more but it was also great to get to know me a little better.

Abe and Louie's restaurant: the best ribeye and Pinot noir I have had in a long long time!

I haven't been away alone for a very long time and I will advise it to anybody, whether it be through work or just a random, sporadic adventure to widen your horizons. Just go do it: be somewhere new and talk to new people. You never know what you'll learn from them and you'll come back a new person because of it. Every new experience will give you new pleasures and create a more worldly view of yourself.

Here's to new adventures and developing yourself! Get on that plane and fly away!

ZP x

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